Monday, April 27, 2020

Sans Forgetica A Font To Help Readers Remember - The Writers For Hire

SANS FORGETICA: A FONT TO HELP READERS REMEMBER As a general rule, we writers tend  to favor fonts that are practical and easy to read. While Baskerville Old Face and Lucinda Calligraphy are fun, it is highly unlikely that you will ever see them printed in a book. But what if we are doing it all wrong? What if the â€Å"easy† fonts such as Arial and Times New Roman are actually TOO easy? Well, researchers at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, have discovered that fonts that are easy to read are also easy to forget. This great article from Popular Science dives into the fascinating research that has been done on the topic and introduces the new font that was developed by typography professor, Stephen Banham, in order to help people remember more of what they read. This new font, called Sans Forgetica, is more difficult to read—and therefore, forces the brain to focus more. As a result, the reader ends up remembering more of what is read. And the best news? Sans Forgetica is now available online as a free download!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Essay Topics About Yosemite

Essay Topics About YosemiteThe Essay Topic About Yosemite has been a popular assignment at school for many years. It is an easy topic and the students love it. The course usually starts with a lecture about the nature of a park, the park as a whole, and the historical record surrounding the location of the park.In the first lesson, the essay topics about Yosemite is the first one. The next is a geography lesson. Students learn about the different parts of the park and how they were created. Students are encouraged to make notes on the information given in class.During the second lesson, the students get a course in science lesson. They are taught about fossils, how they are formed, and why humans care about them. Students will be able to use this information to write a paper on dinosaurs.A third topic is to write a thesis topic which will tie in the other two into a coherent thesis. Students are given a choice of different essays that could be used as a basis for their research.At th e end of the semester, students must submit their work to have it graded by the professor. In order to do this, students will need to bring their grade reports back to their homes.Students can use the available software that helps them to mark their work and send it through email so that teachers will have it for them. The software will also give students a solution to what grades they can use to have it sent through to the professor.The students can use it to create a grammar checker, a website or an online editor. There are many more features that are available through the software.