Saturday, June 27, 2020

Growth Through Goal

   We are now a month into 2017. It is a crucial time of the year for those of us bold enough to create annual goals. It is tempting to give up the effort and slink back into our comfort zone. . As we received them, we read them and were so inspired! It was clear we needed to share them more broadly—they were so heartfelt and creative. We hope they may inspire you to keep working towards your own goals, or maybe even leverage one of the ones you see here for yourself! . Specifically, hiking through the many nature trails that are near where we live. We love to play family board games together, but don't always make the time to do so. This year we are going to make the effort to play family board games several times a week. Why? Because it gets us around the table together, and during those times we ban the use of all other devices, making for fun, quality family time. your year to grow!